Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois
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At Your Doorstep! Regional Genealogy Workshops
Saturday, April 26
At Your Doorstep! Regional Genealogy Workshops  (Sponsor Event)
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
John A. Logan College Room F118
The Illinois Genealogical Society in partnership with the Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois presents to you: At your Doorstep! Regional Genealogy Workshops
This workshop is in conjunction with the Illinois State Archives and the Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) and will focus on something important to the region in which where the IRAD is located.  Examples are ethnicity, landmarks, religious presence, migration, historical significance and more.  In Southern Illinois the IRAD is located on the campus of SIU.
Visit for more information.

Saturday Open Library Session
Saturday, June 28
Saturday Open Library Session  (Open Library Session)
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
John A Logan College Library, 700 Logan College Rd., Carterville, IL
Do you need to visit our collections in the Library but are unable to do that due to your busy schedule?  We at the Genealogy Society open our holdings at the John A. Logan Library for you on a Saturday for your convience.  Please join us for a open library session and bring your questions, brick walls, family and friends to research our holdings on Saturday, June 28, 2025 to do just that.  We are here to help with all your genealogy needs. 

GSSI Annual Conference
Saturday, August 16
GSSI Annual Conference  (Family History Conference)
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
John A. Logan College Room F118
The Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois presents to you Speaker:  Maureen Brady.  
Topics and ticket information to be announced at a later date

Untold African American Stories Featuring: Mary Francis/Illinois Humanitites Program
Saturday, September 6
Untold African American Stories Featuring: Mary Francis/Illinois Humanitites Program  (Sponsor Event)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
John A. Logan College Room F118

Daniel H Brush and the Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois presents to you: Untold African American Stories

Mary will give a brief story about each one of the ten large images of African Americans in her presentation and encourage audience engagement abouthow they feel and think about the images.  

Educator Mary Frances shares her passion for African-American history, research, and public speaking with audiences throughout Illinois.

Mary Frances has been a college teacher for 20 years and has given lectures and presentations as well as led discussions for live and online students. She’s done public speaking about her environmental and historical research along with talks to her city council and community organizations about issues that matter to her in her community of Springfield, Illinois.

Casting a Historical Vote: Suffrage for Women in Illinois
Saturday, October 11
Casting a Historical Vote: Suffrage for Women in Illinois  (Sponsor Event)
10:00 am to 11:00 am
John A. Logan College Rooms F118
The Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois is proud to host the Daniel H. Brush Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in a Road Scholor Program featuring, Jeanne Schultz Angel.
Prior to 1920, women were denied the vote in the majority of elections in the United States.  the struggle for enfrancisement began with the birth of our nation and was stategized differently in our local, state and federal elections.  Despite what people today believe to be a straightforward goal, the path to women's suffrage was infused with sexism and racism and triggered a fear of feminism whose roots are still seen today. 
While wealthy women advocates played a vital role in the fuffrage movement, they were not the only ones seeking enfranchisemnet.  From attourney Ellen Martin, the first woman to vote in Illinois, to Ida. B. Wells, a woman who did not let racism silence her voice, women's suffrage has been a battle hard fought by a diverse group of activist in Illinois. 

Holiday Open House at the GSSI Archives
Saturday, November 15
Holiday Open House at the GSSI Archives  (Archives Open House)
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
302 S. Richart St., Cambria, IL
GSSI will be holding a Holiday Open House for researchers to come and check out our archives room at our Cambria facility.  In June of last year we had outgrown the small room we were in and have now moved into a larger room which allows us more space for researchers.  Since then we have acquired all new chairs, more tables, a microfilm machine that was donated to us by the Williamson County Hisortical Society and a screen for small group programs.  This facility is normally only available for research purposes by appointment only but we welcome you to come and join us as we kick off the holiday season with this Open House.